Children and Moods


Humans are gifted with a full range of emotions – joy, excitement, sadness, anger and a whole host of other beautiful experiences are available to us.  Children in particular may experience these with greater enthusiasm and passion or expression than adults.  None of these are a cause for concern and are simply part of the beautiful tapestry of a rich life.

If the range of emotions becomes more blunted or negative then there may be a role for naturopathic medicine to assist in diagnosing the cause.  As well, botanical remedies, homeopathy, dietary changes and nutrients may be helpful in restoring mood to the full spectrum and allowing for the ‘upper notes’ to  be more present in one’s life.

Children are particularly vulnerable to mood issues in response to these underlying health concerns:

–      low iron – may appear pale, interest in eating chalk, tired, irritable

–      thyroid dysfunction – can lead to lethargy, moodiness or anxiety and irritability depending on whether hypo or hyperfunctioning

–      B12 / folic acid, magnesium depletion – fatigue, irritability, depression, anxiety can result

–      low protein diet – considered the building blocks of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine protein is important for blood sugar stabilization as well as mood balance

–      low Omega 3 – fish, flax, evening primrose oil all support Omegas.  If hyperactivity,  memory and focus are concerns as well as anxiousness and irritability then a high potency fish oil is ideal.  Clues to this deficiency is excessive ear wax production and dry skin.

–      Gluten sensitivity / celiac – we often think of digestive symptoms associated with these concerns but given they can result in a neurologic impact then determining if this is an issue can be very helpful for angry, impulsive, teary and tantrum-oriented children

–      Blood sugar dysregulation – if your child gets ‘hangry’ when they haven’t eaten in the last couple hours or get the ‘after school blues’ you may want to increase the protein, limit the carbs and test them for baseline glucose and insulin levels.  If they are particularly thirsty and urinate several times at night have them tested to rule out Diabetes.

–      Vitamin D deficiency – we regularly tell parents to give their children Vitamin D for numerous preventive reasons, however testing 25-OH Vitamin D through blood is the only way to ensure they are getting adequate Vitamin D.  If you feel happy when the sun is shining then you know how powerful this Vitamin can be in relation to mood.

Moody behaviour in children can be a sign that there is an underlying imbalance.  Simple natural medicine recommendations can really help in determining what is causing and how can you help shift their emotional experience.  The goal is not supression but the freedom to dance amongst the full spectrum of feelings and emotions with ease.


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