“Stay close to Nature. It will never fail you.” -Frank Lloyd Wright

This quote has graced my office wall for nearly 20 years.  It spoke to me then and still does today.  The words echo a deep understanding and respect for Nature that was evident in Frank Lloyd Wright’s amazing architecture.  This understanding and respect for Nature, and its healing qualities, is what I embrace in naturopathic medicine.

These words are relevant to everyone – stay close to the natural world – both the natural world outside us and the inner natural world of our physical body. When we are feeling off-centre, or in a state of ‘dis-ease’ reconnecting to the elements of Nature are enormously powerful. When we are seeking a more ‘health-full” experience it is great to remember that in Nature the simple things matter.

I invite you to unplug from your iphone and social media, take a break from the routine and find ways to integrate the elements of nature in your day-to-day experience. (please choose what works for your health, this is meant as information and not as medical advice)

Water - sit near a river, walk in the rain, put your toes in the ocean, or view the waves from shore.

Sun – follow the sun movements with sunrise or sunset walks, curl up with a book in a sunny window, watch the sunshine patterns and shadows in a forest.

Earth – walk barefoot on the earth in the morning dew, dig or garden in the dirt, observe the minute details of a patch of soil, hike through an old-growth forest to feel the spongy ecosystem beneath your feet.

Wind – bundle up for a windy beach walk, breathe deeply in the forest, notice cloud movements and patterns on a blustery day, inhale the scents of flowers in your favourite garden.

We live in a beautiful part of the world yet we can become consumed with technology, media, and stressors that often live in our brain and our mind.  Shifting to enhanced observation and connection with our natural environment may be one way to lighten and enliven our senses and our overall state of health.  My family had two magical encounters while taking the ferries, recently, in that we had whale escorts in both directions - Orca on the way to Tsawwassen and Humpback whales on the return trip!  May you enjoy the discovery of enhancing your connection with Nature… it will never fail you.


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Pumpkin Spice Chia Pudding